Massaging the face is rejuvenating and helps to preserve a youthful appearance.
Using specific acupuncture points, it will relieve stress, cold and other congestion problems, it can help reduce pain and muscle tension in the body, migraines, sinus, boosting the immune system, increases circulation, relaxes facial muscles, reducing tiredness and worry.
Acupressure is based on the concept of life energy (also known as Chi or Qi), which flows through the body along pathways known as meridians. The belief is that many of the discomforts or even diseases that we suffer with are a result of blockages occurring in these meridians causing a negative effect to the flow of our life energy.
It is an alternative medicine technique that identifies specific points on the body (known as acupoints) where the flow of our life force is being hindered and rather than using needles as acupuncture does I use precise finger placement to apply pressure to these areas to unblock the pathway, freeing up the flow of life force and relieving symptoms.
Grounding and cleansing your aura:
I will start with grounding crystals and cleansing your aura from stuck energies, then a relaxing face massage using Organic coconut oil. If you suffer from any allergies we will use pure olive oil. This will help release any tension in the face muscles, relax and put you into a sense of pure calm.
Acupuncture Points: I will then concentrate on certain acupuncture points to release any blockages even though I am working on the face blockages in other areas of the body maybe released which can only be a positive occurrence. To finish I will use a cool crystal roller gently on the face to release any toxins and open the pores bringing color and vibrancy to your complexion, leaving you in a state of pure relaxation.
Ladies only:
“Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted no solutions searched for each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”